Restored. Resilient. Empowered
Q: What is the payrate for caregivers?
Caregivers are paid up to $17/hr with the option of shift differential.
Q: Are the caregivers 1099 contractors?
No, they are not independent contractors and taxes are removed from their pay checks. They are considered employees.
Q: What if I don't have a waiver?
No problem! We will gather information to see if you qualify. If you qualify, we'll work with you and Medicaid to get you approved.
Your Medicaid Case Manager will perform an assessment and determine a level of care.
Q: What is the income limit to qualify for Medicaid & the waiver?
$2,829 / month
Income & Asset Limits
Q: I need a caregiver, how do I get started?
We'd love to help! Get started by giving us a call at 463-224-8558 or submit a form from our website. We'll gather some information and match you with a caregiver that best fits your needs.
If you have Medicaid and a Health & Wellness waiver, we'll connect with your Case Manager. If you do not have Medicaid and/or a waiver; we'll help get you qualified!
If you are private pay, we'll work with you!
Q: I have a caregiver, how do I get started?
Get started by giving us a call at 463-224-8558 or submit a form from our website. We'll gather some information and schedule you both for an orientation to start care.
If you have Medicaid and a Health & Wellness waiver, we'll connect with your Case Manager. If you do not have Medicaid and/or a waiver; we'll help get you qualified!
If you are private pay, we'll work with you!
Q: What happens if my caregiver becomes ill or wants to travel?
No worries, we will have other caregivers available that can assist.
Q: Does the caregiver receive Health insurance?
Not at this time, however our caregivers receive an abundance of other benefits including a monthly expense card, vacation time, bonuses, and more.
Q: How often does the caregiver get paid?
Every Friday
Q: Can I switch my caregiver at any time?
Yes, you can call our office to provide further information and make arrangements with us. Your voice matters!
Q: What happens if the patient goes into the hospital?
The caregiver will be reassigned to another patient if one is available until their patient returns home.
Q: What happens if I miss a home visit?
Rescheduling visits are acceptable, however your case will be subject to go on hold or be discontinued for excessive cancelations.
Q: Who do I call if there's an emergency after hours?
Call 911 for immediate assistance. Then call our office & leave a message. We will contact you at our earliest convenience.
Q: Can I come to the office?
Yes, by appointment only.
Q: How old does the caregiver have to be?
At least 18yrs old
Q: How soon can I start getting paid?
Caregivers will start the day after Orientation is conducted. Orientation includes an assessment and signing program agreements. It can be virtual or In-Home. Your first pay check will be the following Friday via Direct Deposit, Paper Check, or a Pay Card.